
Die steel commonly used in automotive spark map

Click:1333   Date:2018-07-02 14:39:59

 (A)  T10A steel

  The flow lines are many and small, multi-fork was three, and four popcorn, small floral and pollen are many thermal beam was red and yellow.

  (B) T12A steel

  The entire fire-beam dark orange, light-emitting little nearer the root of color and luminosity of the more dim, the flow lines are numerous and very fine, more chunky fire beam, burst multi-furcation, the three spent many flowers, three , four overlapping flowering, a large number of floral and pollen. Grinding feel of hard material.

  (C) GCr15 steel

  Crude fire-beam and the shorter, light-emitting moderate, its burst to close three flowers for large amounts, fickleness as fire group, many fine Mans line, accompanied by a lot of broken fire and pollen, all orange yellow. GCrg approximate such a spark.

  (D) CrWMn steel

  Fire beam thin and long, light-emitting darker red, sparks burst for a little more the second flower roots have intermittent fluid to produce the tail is the arc tail flower burst.

  (E) 9SiCr steel

  Thermal beam length is short, fine flow lines, burst times stronger, popcorn all was the emergence of three burst and Saika, how the amount of pollen, to spend the amount of the distribution area of accounting for all fire beam 90 to 95 percent. Silicone spark should pomegranate-shaped characteristics, due to the high carbon content and recession, but the unique node of the silicon is still significantly bright, produce the section of the silicon flowers, and the formation of a secondary explosion flower Mans the end of the line. chromium-containing spent angle plus expanded, brightening colors, make popcorn star-shaped. Thermal beam color: yellow, slightly orange. Wear when you feel resistance to weak.

  (F) Cr12 steel:

  Fire beam is very short, flow lines were wavy flow lines and intermittent flow line, fine and lot number. Popcorn times strong, flowering very lush, flower shape of a star and more of all was the three burst + of Saika + pollen, floral, pollen, very much. Spend the amount of covered with fire-beam and multi-layered open. Color: orange. Sensory responses and strong resistance, wear and feel hard.

  (G) Crl2MoV steel

  The end of the flow line platinum-lanceolate tail flower, a significant spend the amount of covered fire beam and three or four stacked open. Color: yellow to orange. Other with Cr12 steel.

  (H) 5CrMnMo steel

  Fire beam up to the flow line thickness medium, burst times stronger, all showed a burst three times, a little floral, platinum-gunpoint fleur-de- The flower-shaped root branching, four star flower + gunpoint tail flower, more frequent Mans line, spend the amount of the distribution area of accounting for all fire beam 55 to 60 percent, flower-shaped flower angle. Color: fire beam is bright yellow, the node is the yellow through white. Times a strong feeling of resistance when the mill.

  (Ix) 3Cr2WSV steel

  Fire beam length, the flow line is very thin, was wavy flow lines and intermittent flow line, a weak burst, spend less, flower-shaped bald fox tail-like and smaller. The main colors: cherry red. Bald fox tail, light cherry red. Grinding feel resistance strong.

  (10) W18Cr4V steel

  The entire fire-beam dark red, light-emitting very faint, the roots of color is more dark, most of the flow line was interrupted state, often wavy flow line, flow lines and rare. Due to the impact of high tungsten, almost no spark burst, only three or four in the tail slightly forked burst Mans lines long, the tip of bald tail swelling sagging, formation of punctate the Myriophyllum Last spend. Grinding feel resistance strong.

  (11) W6Mo5Cr4V2 steel

  Than the entire fire Friends of W18Cr4v short steel, orange yellow, the tail is bright, the roots of dark side. Intermittent flow lines, and mixed with a small amount of wave flow line. Flow line is not very thick, medium length, basin and more than W18Cr4V; tail flow lines are thick, was a willow-like tail flower, state-of-the-art micro was a bald circle. Burst flower-shaped large amount of rare, but more than W18Cr4V. Mans line was bald tail. Flow line of the tail drooping.
